Friday, April 9, 2010

Ah, My Solid Rock

Today, oh today.  This has been a day that was undeniably planned by the Lord.  Things started out normally enough.  I got up and went to work, sat down at my desk and then started to worry.  I believe I have inherited this trait from my mother... Sorry Mom, but I think you know it's true.  I really worry that I'll have heart problems when I get older if I don't get this stress issue under control.  What a vicious cycle!  I worry that I worry to much. 

Anyway, I digress.  But, through two people the Lord encouraged me.  I've been telling a lot of people about what I'm doing, and a lot of the time I get blank looks and empty meaningless words.  But, today, the sincerity was present when I was approached about Peru when they had heard of what I was doing.  I didn't have to say a thing, rather they came to me and were interested to find out more. 

I also found hope in relation to earning support.  I have only had three definite answers from people saying they would commit to $30 a month for my trip.  Only 23 more to go!  If you would like to help financially or in prayer please visit my support page.  A donate button will be appearing there in the next two days.

The Lord has provided such an awesome amount of support.  I hope that I can refer back to this post in the future when I'm not quite feeling supported and remind myself of everyone's prayers.  I appreciate everything everyone is doing.  You all are a blessing to me and to this mission's trip.  

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate to 'worrying that I worry too much'
    Today I got a headache (probably from the heat) and I instantly thought it was an aneurysm & then I started to worry and it made me even sicker. it is a vicious cycle.
    Anyway, I wish I could support you in this endeavor! but I am so poor. Perhaps I should get a donate page some someone can support me... but I am sure it will workout, and you will be in my prayers.
