Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Need For Prayer

You all must be thinking, This Trevor kid doesn't blog forever and de repente (suddenly (I know you don't really think in Spanish, but indulge me here)) he has two blogs in one week?!  I know right?  Well, I've updated the look of the blog and want to show it off!  That and more importantly the Lord has been at work and I just want to share with you what exactly that is.

Roy studying hard.
Kristen being cool...?

Two weeks ago we had our weekly bible study (on Thursdays).  The Whites brought in some avocados and made some guacamole, which was delicious.  Right before we started the bible study the Whites (Tricia and Lindy), Kristen, and Roy got called down to the office for a meeting.  This is the whole Tacna group, so we didn't really quite know what to think if the ordeal.  Needless to say the guacamole was devoured by the Puno group.  A day later I asked Kristen what the meeting was about but she said that she couldn't tell me... I almost couldn't handle that.  I said something along the lines of, "Well, I was hoping maybe you all were coming to Puno."

You all should remember the amount of losses we've had so far, and I don't just mean from my last post.  We lost Ashley from our Puno group and we lost Denina from the Tacna group.  I've been praying that God would fulfill our needs in each of the groups by providing some extra help if that would be His will.  Well, I had been praying the wrong way, apparently.  

Today we had a meeting.  All of our Cohort 4 got together, that is the group for Puno and Tacna, for an announcement.  The Lord has answered our prayers, but in a way that I never thought would have been the solution.  Kristen and Roy will be joining the Puno group!  

I am so excited to be sharing this experience with two people that I have grown so close to.  I had actually thought the past week about having to leave them for Puno and it made me really sad.  I am so thankful for our God who provides in such miraculous ways.  He is so good.  

The Cluster Support for Tacna (Lindy and Tricia White) will take on other positions with the Extreme Ministries.  Lindy will take on a position as a constructor and Tricia as a nurse.  In a year they will meet a new team for Tacna for the Peru 2 project.  They will still serve in Tacna, but will be spending more time in Peru in the end, of which I am slightly jealous!

Something Amanda had brought up in the meeting was that we need to start praying for the strength of the unity of our family.  This is where you come in.  I need my prayer warriors!  I have already been faced with spiritual warfare.  At first I didn't recognize it as such, but then after Amanda had talked about Satan working to pull apart our unity it became clear to me.  I won't talk specifically about the situation but I had to confront an issue that tore at my heart and made me scared that I would ruin everything.  Well, the Lord has been keeping us in His hands and directing that situation, but it could have been ugly.  

I urge you so STRONGLY to pray for us.  It is imperative!  I cannot tell you how much we need your prayers.  I think that folks in the States when they hear missionaries say they need prayer they tend to lean more toward the impression that they are asking heavily for financial support, but the honest to goodness truth is WE NEED YOUR PRAYER!  Your financial support, of course, is greatly needed, but your prayers are what combat Satan and his forces.  

With all serious things aside, here are some pictures I'd like to share with you.  This is the new Bible that I bought from my host family.  It's so little and it's got a little clasp.  It's so pretty and it's in Spanish.  I love it!

This is a typical looking plate of food here in Peru.  I've only had the purple stuff twice (Russian Salad), but the portions of rice are dead on.  We eat a lot of rice.  The Russian Salad is made of lettuce, beets and peas.  I thought it was such a pretty dish I had to take a picture.  The green place mat looks nice as a background too!

My Spanish is coming along very very nicely.  I'd even say that I'm more fluent than I ever had been in Spanish.  There have been several times in the post where I've had to backspace a Spanish word out!  Uh-oh!

Well, friends and family, like I said, PRAY PRAY PRAY!  We are meeting our Peruvian partners this weekend and we have our "partner fusion" sessions.  It sounds rather scary and I think most of us are a tad apprehensive... this is, after all, very similar to a Japanese arranged marriage.  Yikes!


  1. I am so excited about your post and the changes that were made for your group. I can tell that Kristen and Roy belong in your family. You are in our prayers but we will be more diligent to pray against Satan's attacks.
    I hope your Peruvian partners are a great fit also. God bless you. ~Mama Moore

  2. Cool to know. I will, and I'm sure we will, be praying for you a lot. We're looking forward to you all joining us here in Zamacola. God bless.
