Friday, May 14, 2010

Procrastination or Sanity Maintanence

I am trying to get things done.  This past year the thought occured to me that I may possibly had A.D.D.  It might be the stress also.  My brain feels like a mass of water slushing around in my head as I walk into my bedroom to try and organize what things I want to take.  Where do I start?  I simply hate this part.  On top of trying to get my head together I had to figure out what I was going to do for another suitcase.  I went into the crawl space last night and found there were two suitcases... one new and one old.  When I confronted my mom about it she told me I could only take the old one.  I guess I understood that... and I can't really complain too much about it because I know she reads this.  That's right Mom!  I can't believe you would try to send your son out of the country with one suitcase!  Well, I tried taking it lightly and thought about the sacrafice it would be... I still hated the idea.  However, my loving grandfather had a suitcase even bigger than the new untouchable suitcase I couldn't have.  It is a blessing.

I called my two other banks about my student loans and found out they are alllll deferred.  This is such a praise.  Everything is coming together now. 

As much as I'd love to be on top of all this stuff, right now I just needed to take some time to reflect.  I just found one of my dog's eye boogers on my shirt... See?  A.D.D!

Alright, I really haven't done anything to merrit this time for procrastination.  It has definitely helped to vent and get all my frustrations out. 

And a special message to mothers out there... please just be chill when your son/daughter is trying to pack.  You have the uncanny ability to stress them out.  :|

1 comment:

  1. Really?? I have that affect on you?? And I thought I was only trying to help!
